Monday, July 25

Lunch time

On the way back to office on the shuttle bus..
Darn noisy bus and u realise most of the noise is coming from the guys.
i mean it's okay if u want to chat but softer?
It's as if a market here in the bus itself how nice/:

Sunday, July 24


Another weekend has passed so quickly.
On fri I met dear at the JE interchange before we went over to his place heh :)
Was looking forward as I usually would make my way to his place by myself

Tuesday, July 19

Rainier Cherries

Bought some cherries from Cold Storage last Thur with the help of my colleague Josephine. 
Jo brings berries and other fruits daily to office as snacks hence i guess asking her for help was the right choice.
 And yep the cherries are yummy! not too sweet but not sour either :) Half the box of cherries were eaten before I took this picture hah.. 

 Can't wait to get more yummy cherries next time :)

Sunday, July 17

17 Jul

Home again as i gotta go to work tomorrow. just feels shitty thinking about it though..argh gotta get out of this job soon before i go crazy psyching myself to work everyday

Thursday, July 14

After work?

Been trying to adjust and knock off on time recently.
It is working quite well at the moment, I've not been working as late as I have been doing over ever since the year started.
But I'm not sure if I can continue to do so when it's month end or quarter end though.
Because obviously there's an overload of stuff to do on hand and they expect the same 1 person can do a LoT of magic to complete much more :/

SOo aNyway was figuring out what i could do on my own after work .
There is of course the list of stuff to do that I have and some books waiting for me to finish them heeh =x
 Maybe I shall schedule them like so:
Mon - Guitar
Tue - Japanese
Wed - Korean
Thu - Any Book
hahaha... shall finalise later..

Wednesday, July 13



Back to work today, but I really don't feel like working.
I have been on leave for 3 days but still doesn't feel like I've rested enough.
The horribly scorching weather has tortured me over these few days :( plus the monthly red tides has ruin my break.

Hope today's inbox can be cleared smoothly :x but its probably wishful thinking sigh..

Monday, July 11


Today's tasks:
- Mark Spade's essays
- Go through the essays with him
- Read news articles
- Review my resume

Got to finish all these and think of what to do tomorrow with Spade :)