Tuesday, November 27

Its been a Long time..

I'm back!
Almost forgotten about this blog.
Since the last post, i've been to Thailand, Bangkok and South Korea, Seoul and Jeju Island; and I've changed to a new job with a totally different jobscope from before and already 5months plus in the company.everyday i'm still learning to adapt since there's so much to learn but so little they teach;most are resistant to new ideas and changes yet they want ideas from the young me..So much about changes..

This month I went for a few courses; Effective meetings, Recognising self appreciating others the MBTI approach, Time mastery, Wow!Service
Felt I learnt alot from the lessons but yet after that most of the knowledge would not stay in my head..seems lik I shouldn't attend classes all in a month next time and should spread them out as i'm pretty rusty at absorbing knowledge already
I know it would be better to put some of the ideas into action however more time would be required..

1 comment:

  1. Niclosan 500mg Tablet is utilized to treat expansive or fish tapeworm, predominate tapeworm, and hamburger tapeworm infections. Niclosamide may likewise be used for other tapeworm infections as controlled by your primary care physician. It won't work for different sorts of worm infections.
