Tuesday, August 9

National day

A public holiday for our nation and actually my first time working on a non-working day for my company:/ of course it won't be for free.

Nothing in the world is free.

Even more so for This stingy company, I'll claim back OT for this.
The only reason I did work was for my benefit.
Cause if I did not carry out those tests by today i'll probably not have time to complete them on thu and fri when I'm back at work and the dateline is fri >_< darn!

We should all think for ourselves when others don't bother to, it's a survival skill.

It's craziness to me yes cause i have a "don't bring hm work after working hours" policy, but for the first time and never again I'll Do this.
But after about 6 hours I only completed 7 of 10 tests,so I will have to leave the rest till thu or fri to complete provided I really have the time to do so.
Sigh shall see what I can do about it when I get back to work :)
Now I'm just gonna enjoy the rest of my National Day And tomorrow's leave haha..
Good bye work! See u on thu!

O I'm goin to spend this evening with Spade and shall be going to the MBS ArtScience Musuem tomorrow :D if we're really the first 46 pair to enter we shall be able to get in free!!

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